All poems by Mikhail Lermontov
- M. BUT. Lopukhina (23 December 1834 r. From St. Petersburg to Moscow)
- M. BUT. Shan-Giray dynasty (Autumn 1827 r. From Moscow to Apalihu)
- 10 July. (1830)
- 11 July
- 1830 year. On July 15,
- 1830. Maiya. 16 number
- 1831-June 11 days
- 1831-January
- 30 July. – (Paris). 1830 of the year
- Farewell
- Had we never loved so kindly…
- The Waiting
- humans and passions (People and Passions)
- When I see you smile ...
- Sentenz – poem by Lermontov
- BUT. BUT. Vadkovskaya (1838-1840 g. In Petersburg)
- BUT. BUT. Kraevsky (13-14th of April 1841 r. In Petersburg)
- BUT. BUT. Lopuhinu (12 September 1840 r. From Pyatigorsk to Moscow)
- BUT. BUT. Lopuhinu (16-26 October 1840 r. From the fortress of Grozny to Moscow)
- BUT. BUT. Lopuhinu (17 June 1840 r. From Stavropol to Moscow)
- BUT. BUT. Lopuhinu (The end of February - early March 1839 r. From St. Petersburg to Moscow)
- BUT. BUT. venison
- BUT. D. Khomutova
- BUT. AND. Bibikovo (The second half of February 1841 r. From St. Petersburg to Stavropol)
- BUT. AND. Turgenev (December 1839 r. In Petersburg)
- BUT. AND. Filosofova (October 1838 r. Tsarskoye Selo)
- BUT. M. Vereshchagin (Spring 1835 r. From St. Petersburg to Moscow)
- BUT. M. Vereshchagin (The end of October 1832 r. From St. Petersburg to Moscow)
- BUT. M. Vereshchagina-Hügel (16 November 1838 r. From St. Petersburg to Paris)
- BUT. M. Gideon (About 20 December 1835 r. In Petersburg)
- BUT. ABOUT. October
- BUT. Petrov
- Azrail
- Angel – verse by Mikhail Lermontov
- Angel of Death
- harp
- Ataman
- Aul Bastwndjï
- Brother! Now I am not a very…
- Ashik Kerib
- Ballade
- Ballade ("In the hut late sometimes ...")
- Ballade ("Where so quickly, Jewess mladaya!..»)
- Ballade ("Over the sea-beautiful maiden sitting ...")
- Ballade (three knight go out of the gate in a row, Alas!..)
- fugitive
- madman January! You're right, rights!..
- Thanks
- Thank you!
- Shining clouds run…
- The battle
- Disease in my chest, and I have no healing…
- Borodino
- Boyar Orsha
- boulevard
- The album – poem
- The album ("No! - I do not ask for attention ... ")
- The album D. F. Ivanova
- The album H. F. Ivanova
- On the birthday of N. N
- In the ranks of the crowd stood silent…
- In olden years lived a…
- AT. book. Mikhail Pavlovich (20-27 April 1840 r. In Petersburg)
- Vadim
- great man! There is no reward…
- Venetia
- cheerful hour
- Spring
- Palestine branch
- night
- The evening after the rain
- View of the mountains from the steppes of Kozlov
- Vision – poem
- Airship
- War
- Waves and people
- Will
- Time heart be at ease…
- All is quiet - the full moon…
- A meeting
- I go out alone on the road…
- Hero of our time
- silly beauty
- I look at the future with fear…
- the guest ("How Proshletsov those lands ...")
- the guest (true story)
- Countess Rostopchina
- Grob Ossiana
- Storm
- Groza noise in the seas from end to end…
- Georgian song
- pirate
- gifts Terek
- Two brothers
- Two brothers (Brother, brother! Brother, brother! be ashamed of, my brother!..)
- The two giants
- two falcons
- two slave
- ninth hour; too dark; near Gate…
- Demon
- wood
- Dzhyulio
- The child in the cradle
- What I was not born…
- contract
- word
- My soul shall live in the earth's captivity…
- E. BUT. Arsenieva (10 May 1841 r. From Stavropol to St. Petersburg)
- E. BUT. Arsenieva (18 July 1837 r. From Pyatigorsk to Petersburg)
- E. BUT. Arsenieva (20 April 1841 r. From Moscow to St. Petersburg)
- E. BUT. Arsenieva (28 June 1841 r. From Pyatigorsk to Petersburg)
- E. BUT. Arsenieva (The second half of April 1836 r. From St. Petersburg and Tsarskoye Selo in Tarkhany)
- E. BUT. Arsenieva (End of April - beginning of May 1836 r. From Tsarskoye Selo to Moscow)
- E. BUT. Arsenieva (End of March - early April 1836 r. From Tsarskoye Selo in Tarkhany)
- Jewish melody
- Jewish melody ("I've seen sometimes, as the star of the night ... ")
- There are speech - Value ...
- complaints Turk
- A wish
- Desire
- North wife
- Journalist, reader and writer
- Myth cupids
- Forgetting the excitement of life the rebellious ...
- Will ("There is a place: near the trail deaf ... ")
- Will ("Alone with you, brother…")
- star ("At the top of one ...")
- star ("revenge, revenge, Far star…")
- Sounds
- Sounds and eyes
- Earth and Sky
- Call hope - Dreaming…
- And in the theater, both on stage light…
- And bored and sad
- AND. P. Myatlevo
- From the album On. n. Karamzina
- From Andrew Chenier
- from Goethe
- from Patkul
- From under mysterious cold respirator…
- Ishmael Bay
- Plagued by illness and melancholy…
- Spaniards
- Confession
- Confession ("I believe, I promise to believe ... ")
- so, goodbye! For the first time this sound…
- TO * ("Share the same time with me, What do you know…")
- TO * ("A friend of mine, Through the efforts in vain ... ")
- TO * ("We accidentally brought destiny ...")
- TO * ("Leave vain cares ...")
- TO * ("The sorrow in my songs, but what is the need?..»)
- TO * («Forgive! - we meet Bole ... ")
- TO * ("I do not pre unyzhus you ...")
- TO *** ("The Most High uttered his sentence ...")
- TO *** ("Looking in the mirror more often ...")
- TO *** ("Give me a hand, prone to breast poet ... ")
- TO *** ("As to the rumors you a story ...")
- TO *** ("When your friend with prophetic longing ...")
- TO *** ("We met with you again ...")
- TO *** ("Do not speak: one high ... ")
- TO *** ("Do not think, that I was worthy of regret ... ")
- TO *** ("Do not delay as the Parties ...")
- TO *** ("Not you, but fate was to blame ... ")
- TO *** ("ABOUT, do not hide! You're crying about it ... ")
- TO *** ("ABOUT, full of depravity to excuse ... ")
- TO *** ("You're too nice to innocence ...")
- To N. N
- To N. N. ***
- By genius
- By stupid beauty
- By Gruzinova
- By D
- By D ... woo
- By celestial maiden
- K Friend
- K Friend (forget again…)
- To others in. W
- To friends
- By Durnova
- To book. L. Rth
- K L.
- K M. AND. Tseydleru
- K & N. AND. Buharov
- K & N. AND…
- K Nine
- By Neere
- K portrait
- K portrait old Hussar
- To friend
- To myself, Misha
- By Sushkova
- TO. P ... well,
- TO. F. Opochinina (January - the beginning of March 1840 r. In Petersburg)
- TO… ("Do not speak: I'm shaking, fool!..»)
- TO… ("Forgive me, I dare you to ... ")
- TO…… ("Do not attract me beauty!..»)
- Caucasus
- Caucasian
- Prisoner of the Caucasus
- Caucasus
- Cossack lullaby
- As the night stars epilepsy flame…
- As a spirit of despair and evil…
- Like a ray of dawn, like Lola Rose…
- As the heavens, your eyes shine…
- How often, surrounded by a motley crowd
- callaś
- Dagger
- Cemetery
- Princess Ligovskoy
- When used in the submission Ignorance…
- When the waves yellowing cornfield…
- When hope is not available…
- When the last moment…
- Corsair
- Cross on the rock
- Who in the winter morning, when fells…
- Who has seen the Kremlin in the morning golden hour…
- Lily hand adjusting ...
- Leaf – Mikhail Lermontov
- Lytvynka
- I love the chain of blue mountains…
- Dead Man's love
- M. BUT. Lopukhina (15 February 1838 r. From St. Petersburg to Moscow)
- M. BUT. Lopukhina (19 June 1833 r. From St. Petersburg to Moscow)
- M. BUT. Lopukhina (2 September 1832 r. From St. Petersburg to Moscow)
- M. BUT. Lopukhina (28 August 1832 r. From St. Petersburg to Moscow)
- M. BUT. Lopukhina (31 May 1837 r. From Pyatigorsk to Moscow)
- M. BUT. Lopukhina (4 August 1833 r. From St. Petersburg to Moscow)
- M. BUT. Lopukhina (The second half of October 1832 r. From St. Petersburg to Moscow)
- M. BUT. Lopukhina (the end 1838 r. From St. Petersburg to Moscow)
- M. BUT. Shan-Giray dynasty (Spring 1829 r. From Moscow to Apalihu)
- M. BUT. Shan-Giray dynasty (About 21 December 1828 r. From Moscow to Apalihu)
- M. BUT. Shan-Giray dynasty (February 1830 r. or February 1831 r. From Moscow to Apalihu)
- M. BUT. Scherbatova
- M. L. Simanska (20 February 1834 r. In Petersburg)
- M. P. Solomyrskoy
- madrigal
- Masquerade
- Blizzard roars and snow fells…
- fighter Grave
- My coming in the fog…
- My demon (1829)
- My demon (1830–1831)
- My house
- Prayer
- Prayer ("In difficult moments of life ...")
- Prayer ("I, mother of God, now with a prayer ... ")
- Mongo
- Monologue
- sea princess
- Sailor
- My plea
- Mtsıri
- n. AND. Polivanov (7 June 1831 r. From Moscow to the estate Polivanova)
- n. n. Arsenyev
- n. F. And howl ...
- n. F. Plautinu (Early March 1840 r. In Petersburg)
- On frenetic feast thoughtful he sat…
- On cloak in the shade of plane trees ...
- In Rembrandt
- In the north, wild stands alone…
- On silver spurs…
- On a dark rock above the rustling Dnieper…
- hope
- Napoleon
- Napoleon (Where has the wave of high Breg…)
- The day will come - and the world of the convict…
- Do not trust yourself
- Do not Cry, do not Cry, my child…
- Do not laugh at my prophetic anguish…
- The sky and stars
- Forget
- Often people and abused…
- No, not you so ardently I love…
- No, I'm not Byron, I'm different…
- Nobody listens to what I say ... I'm not one…
- No one, no one, no delight…
- Beggar
- Novgorod
- Christmas madrigals and epigrams
- Night ("The sad iron watchman beats ...")
- Night ("One night I was in silence ...")
- Night. I
- Night. II
- Night. III
- One among human noise…
- Loneliness
- Oleg
- He was in the edge of the holy ...
- He was born for happiness, for hope…
- She was beautiful, like a dream…
- She was not proud beauty…
- She sings - and the sounds of melting…
- They loved each other so long and tenderly…
- Fear
- Justification
- Again, folk orator…
- Autumn
- Abandoned desert before me…
- Left without a nose - our Maccabee afraid ...
- Answer
- Excerpt ("For the life of fear to hope ...")
- Excerpt ("TAKE maiden breasts ...")
- Excerpt ("Three nights I spent without sleep - in anguish ...")
- From what
- EYES. N. N
- P. AND. Petrov (1 February 1838 r. From St. Petersburg to Stavropol)
- A memory. AND. Odoevskogo
- Mr
- Panorama of Moscow
- Sail
- The first love
- In front of me lies a leaf…
- Glove
- Song of the bard
- Song ("Yellow leaves on the stem beats ...")
- Song ("Bell is groaning ...")
- Song ("Lika, friends, put the bowl upside down ... ")
- Song ("I do not know, Was I deceived ... ")
- Song ("Bright ghost of days gone by ...")
- Song about Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich, young guardsmen and swashbuckling Merchant Kalashnikov
- Feast
- Pir Asmodeus
- Letters, ascribed to Lermontov
- Letter
- cry! cry! Israel…
- captive knight
- imitation of Byron
- Repentance
- Borodino field
- It's time to go to sleep the last sleep…
- Portrait
- Portraits
- dedication («Receive, sad accept my work ... ")
- dedication ("To you I entrust once ...")
- dedication. N. N
- Message
- Last housewarming
- The last son of liberty
- Listen, may be, when we leave…
- Listen! Remember me…
- In the midst of the heavenly bodies…
- Flow
- Kisses considered before…
- Poet
- Poet (When Rafael inspirational…)
- Prediction
- you are beautiful, field native land…
- charmer
- Criminal
- Greetings, militant Slavs…
- Take wonderful MESSAGE…
- Prophet
- forgive, my friend!.. like a ghost, I fly…
- goodbye, unwashed Russia
- goodbye ("Do not leave, lezginets young ... ")
- goodbye («Forgive, sorry!..»)
- Let the poet accuses…
- I let somebody love…
- Parting
- repentance
- Ask you a receipt, pirate…
- we parted; but your portrait…
- Birth of a child pretty…
- To kid
- Family
- Romance ("In these days, when he had no hope ... ")
- Romance ("Insidious unhappy life ...")
- Romance ("Innocent a tender soul ...")
- Romance ("It was a gray rock on the seashore ...")
- Romance ("You go on the battlefield ...")
- Romance ("Although run on my strings sounds fun ...")
- Romance And to ...
- Mermaid
- Russian melody
- Russian song
- WITH. BUT. Bakhmetev (August 1832 r. From St. Petersburg to Moscow)
- WITH. BUT. Bakhmetev (August 1832 r. From St. Petersburg to Moscow)
- WITH. BUT. Bakhmetev (July - early August 1832 r. From Tver to Moscow)
- WITH. BUT. Raevskii (16 January 1836 r. Of Tarhan in Petersburg)
- WITH. BUT. Raevskii (8 June 1838 r. From St. Petersburg and Tsarskoye Selo in Petrozavodsk)
- WITH. BUT. Raevskii (The second half of November - beginning of December 1837 r. Tiflis in Petrozavodsk)
- WITH. BUT. Raevskii (Early March 1837 r. In Petersburg)
- WITH. BUT. Raevskii (The first half of March, 1837 r. In Petersburg)
- WITH. BUT. Raevskii (After 27 February 1837 r. In Petersburg)
- WITH. n. Karamzina (10 May 1841 r. From Stavropol to St. Petersburg)
- Sasha
- St.. Helen
- happened! fully expected…
- rendezvous
- Xie Maccabee-vodopiytsa curly speech spread, as a network…
- September 28
- I was sitting in the old room…
- Silhouette
- Blue mountains of the Caucasus, Greetings!..
- A fairy tale for children
- Bow down to me, handsome young!..
- Glory
- parting words echoing…
- Do I hear your voice…
- Feel free to believe what, that forever…
- Death ("Sunset is burning fiery bands ...")
- Death ("Lazcano blooming dreams ...")
- Death ("Break the chain life of the young ...")
- Death of poet
- Advice
- The sun
- sun autumn
- Dream
- Dream ("In the midday heat in the valley of Dagestan ...")
- sonnet
- Neighbour
- Neighbour (Pogasnul day to a height of heaven…)
- Neighbor
- Slowly north from afar…
- dispute
- stations ("Look, my calm eyes ... ")
- stations ("I love, when struggling with the soul ... ")
- stations ("Immediately running her mind ...")
- stations ("I love to Creator destined to the grave ...")
- stations ("I can not languish at home ...")
- stations ("I'm not smashing of the past ...")
- stations: By D ***
- A strange man
- happy moment
- Tamara
- Tambov Treasurer
- You, Caucasus, stern king of the earth…
- three witches
- three palm trees
- Cane
- Clouds
- You're young. Color your curls…
- Do you remember whether, how we are with you…
- The terrible fate of father and son…
- Prisoner
- Dying Gladiator
- Dull bells ringing…
- Cliff
- Morning in Caucasus
- Hajji Bow
- Although a long time has changed me joy…
- vascular plants
- Romany
- Cup of life
- Shuttle ("Howling wind and whistles Nedalniy before the storm ...")
- Shuttle ("Arbitrarily wondrous power ...")
- The Circassians
- Circassian
- black eyes
- What is the use to live!.. without incident…
- Plague
- Plague in Saratov
- Stoss
- E. TO. Musin-Pushkin
- Elegy ("fraction, fraction, wave of the night ... ")
- Elegy ("ABOUT! If my days passed ... ")
- Epigram ("A fool and an old coquette - still ...")
- Epigram ("Under by foreign foreigner ...")
- Epigram on H. Dollmaker
- Epigram on F. bulgarin, I
- Epigram on F. bulgarin, II
- epigrams
- Epitaph ("Who pit for others labored to dig ...")
- Epitaph («Forgive! L see you again we?..»)
- Epitaph ("Simple-hearted son of freedom ...")
- Napoleon's epitaph
- It happened in the last few years the mighty Rome…
- Junker prayer
- I saw her again in the gay whirlwind ball…
- I saw the shadow of bliss; but it is…
- I want to live! I want to grief…
- I am writing to you by accident; right…
- I'm not the angels of heaven and…
- I do not love you; passions…
- I do not want, that the light has learned…
- I'm happy! - secret poison flows in my blood…
- I want to tell you
thanks for the information! Poem by Mikhail Lermontov became a great help not only for literature, but also for painting, music, the activities of theaters and cinema. Over the course of life, depending on the interests of the poet, feelings lyrical, his experiences and emotions are constantly changing in the stormy whirlwind, making Lermontov's poems truly sensual, interesting and exciting.
Hello guys!
very great poetry, I even could not learn it
Everything great is incomprehensibly simple – he doesn’t have to show off or hide. Empty and useless opposite, always hiding under the cover of significance and mystery
thank you interesting reading
Hi all