Poems by Mikhail Lermontov:

All poems by Mikhail Lermontov

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Mikhail Lermontov
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  1. Inessa

    thanks for the information! Poem by Mikhail Lermontov became a great help not only for literature, but also for painting, music, the activities of theaters and cinema. Over the course of life, depending on the interests of the poet, feelings lyrical, his experiences and emotions are constantly changing in the stormy whirlwind, making Lermontov's poems truly sensual, interesting and exciting.

  2. Valeri wag

    Hello guys!

  3. Anonymous

    very great poetry, I even could not learn it

  4. Jasonjouby

    Everything great is incomprehensibly simple – he doesn’t have to show off or hide. Empty and useless opposite, always hiding under the cover of significance and mystery

  5. DanielTon

    thank you interesting reading

  6. DavidKen

    Hi all
