The poor man, this ...
poor fellow?
How did! I found it
child, abandoned on the street.
So people ought to forgive,
They punished too god.
how to forgive?
Yes, I'll tell you, that he did.
Sorrini (to the side)
What a pity, that his pockets are empty;
And then I would have filled their tighter.
So everything in the world from the hands to other switches.
Alvarec (mysteriously)
When he was a child, allowed
To him I play with my daughter;
They played so played - I did not think,
What will come out something from this evil.
Used to, ask: what do you, children? - We play. –
what? - In love! - and tenderly kissed,
As the turtledove. Fernando, became older,
already I realized, that does not suit so take liberties,
And he began to think, like to continue
Game ever, - of his words, I saw
not infrequently, I wished he would marry
My daughter. As I was furious,
You can understand, Sorrini father!..
Since then I started working with him rude, crude, even against the will;
How do you say no, took him
As a child, I was under the roof;
He lived with me for twenty years;
I was like the firstborn of my recent ...
Once again, I seem gentle with him -
Suddenly I learned from my wife,
What I want to ask Fernando
Emilio zamuzhstvo ... Well Well, me
You know, - at least a saddle - but is furious ...
Well!.. I tried to persuade him;
And presents all the important reasons, –
He was rude to me a lot - and I decided
Drive him home at last.
And do not see Christian soul
His feet in my doorway. In fact, I'm sure!..